Vincent Longobardi, PER
Exalted Ruler


Buy a Wall Brick here

Support your Lodge, and Fill up the Renovation Wall! Click on the button above. Forms are printable and also available from a Steward in the Lounge. You can also order directly at wallingfordelks1365

Wallingford Elks #1365
148 S. Main St.
Wallingford, CT 06492
Lounge: 203-269-7162
Office: 203-284-1810

Elks Hall Rental 160 person capacity
For more information call. (203) 679-1864 or Or Email:




Elks Items are available for purchase and very reasonably priced

Are you interested in Elks Items like T-Shirts, etc? Please see all items available for SALE HERE.


Wallingford Elks Lodge 1365 Facebook Group for Members


WELCOME to Wallingford, CT Elks Lodge #1365!

Our Exalted Ruler, Vincent Longobardi, PER, and the officers and members of lodge #1365 welcome you to our lodge.

See the EVENTS Page for information on upcoming events.

Elks 1365 and Peter Wasilewski Scholarship

Applications will be available at the lodge starting January 6, 2025. Deadline for submissions
for both will be March 25, 2025. Please read both applications
for eligibility. Any questions, contact Joe Doll at 203-631- 2857

See our Scholarship Page for more information on local lodge scholarships and Visit for information on all of our scholarships. The Lyman Hall and Sheehan High school guidance departments will also have all of this information.

No Parking notice at 116 S Main St, Walliingford

The Grand Lodge Americanism Essay Contest

We welcome all Wallingford children, especially children of Elk families to participate.

The Americanism Essay Contest is a program of the Elks' Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee, this contest is geared towards students in 5th through 8th grades to promote patriotism among young people with first through third place prizes award for each division. To download the application packet, visit:

Click here to follow link to download the americanism packet:


Connecticut Elks Association Drug Awareness

The Wallingford Elks Lodge 1365 held a drug awareness contest for elementary, middle and high school children. The contests included poster, essay, or video. For more information follow the link below.

For additional information on drug awareness please visit the Elks National web page at: OR the Elks Kidszone at OR the Elks TeenZone at OR go to the web page, select “Our Programs” at the left margin, then click on “Drug Awareness”


Veterans Leather Program


Wallingford Elks Lodge 1365 Facebook Group for Members

Wallingford Elks #1365
148 S. Main St., Wallingford, CT 06492 | Lounge: 203-269-7162 | Office: 203-284-1810 | Email

Brotherly Love