Wallingford Lodge 1365 Website 3 Star Award


Elks Lodges Top Growth States

Elks Lodges States most improved over last year

Charitable Works
Elks Share the Holidays continues to support the community. The success of our holiday campaign in 2019 has enabled us to purchase $800 in gift cards for food purchases to be distributed to families in need through Wishing Well, the Veteran's Center at Town Hall, SCOW, Master's Manna, and Wallingford Day Care.
Because of the pandemic situation, many Wallingford families are in need of food at this time. These agencies partner with us in December and are well familiar with people having a hard time now.
Celebrating the Wallingford Elks Lodge 100th Anniversary
Elks Lodge 1365 Service for 9-11 at Town Hall - Photos
Photos below from 1919
Celebrating the Wallingford Elks Lodge 100th Anniversary - Neighbors of East Wallingford Magazine, August 2019
Elks Lodge 1365, June 11, 1919
